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NSIC Composite Block

Silicon Nitride Bonded Sic (NSIC) Composite Brick is made of high quality synthetically made silicon carbide grains (SiC) and selected bonding components, including nitride, Si3N4 and Carbon block. The Si3N4 SiC composite blocks are widely used as lining bricks of large aluminum electrolytic cell. Using nitride bonded silicon carbide products enlarges the tank capacity, improves the thermal conductivity, enables rapid cooling, and increases the tank production capacity at the same time. Alumina and cryolite of eutectic content can form on bricks' surface, which can protect the tank lining work layer, and prolong the tank's service life.

Primary Aluminium, Others

Technical Data Sheet

Note: The Technical data are based on the GB/T standards. They serve to give general information, they are liable to natural deviations, depending on production and shape. They are not to be cited and guaranteed properties or guaranteed values.

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